İçeriğe geç


1 a gift of food to someone who comes to stack the crop after the fields are clear 2 harvest tax in favour of the poor or the clergy 3 debt

Proto-Turkic: *Kẹbi-ĺč-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Proto-Altaic: *k`èpù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Russian meaning: 1 пищевой подарок тому, кто приходит складывать хлеб в скирды после того, как поля убраны 2 отчисление с урожая в пользу бедных или духовенства 3 долг
Turkic: *Kẹbi-ĺč-
Mongolian: *kubil-
Korean: *káps
Japanese: *kupua-
Comments: Мудрак Дисс.. 89, EDT 585, 691, Федотов 1, 290-291. Turk. > Pers. kafsan 'harvest tax for the clergy and administration'; most modern forms may in fact have been borrowed back < Pers., but the Chuv. form can hardly be separated from the one attested in MK. The theory of its being borrowed from Mong. kölüsün (see Róna-Tas 1988) can be hardly justified. However, Hung. kölczön, indeed, has most probably a Mong. source and is not related to the words above.
Karakhanid: kevšeŋ (MK; spelled kfsŋ) 1
Uzbek: kapsan 2
Uighur: käpsän 2
Chuvash: kivźen 3
Kirghiz: kepsen, kesmen 1
Kazakh: kewsen 1