İçeriğe geç

küt- 2

Khakassian: küzet- 4
Oyrat: küj- 1, küt- 2, 4
Yakut: kǖt- 1
Dolgan: kǖt- 1
Kirghiz: küj- 1, küt- 1, 2
Kazakh: küt- 2
Bashkir: köt- 1, 4
Balkar: küt- 4
Gagauz: güt- 4
Karaim: küt- 4
Karakalpak: küj-, küt- 1, 2
Kumyk: küt- 'выполнять'
Comments: EDT 701, VEWT 306, 312, ЭСТЯ 3, 107-108 (the variant *gǖt- is morphologically secondary, actually = *gǖdü-t-). The proposed derivation (see ЭСТЯ 108) from *gü- (*kü-), attested only in the OUygh. doublet kü- közeδ- 'protect and keep' (see EDT 686) is far from certain (the meaning of kü- here is not quite clear; közeδ- is probably < *göŕ- 'see, eye' = Yak., Dolg. köhüt- 'wait'; Khak. küzet- above can reflect both *-ŕ- and *-d-).